Monday, September 20, 2010

What is you are loved

I've had this idea in my head for a LONG time now and finally had the courage to start my dreams and goals.

You are Loved is along the lines a random act of kindness creating messages on index cards, computer, post-its, envelops whatever you can find and leaving them for people to find. It can be a story, quote, personal message, to let someone know that out there in the world someone cares.

There is so much in society telling us if we do this people will like us more, or we change that we will be accepted more as beautiful. We are forgetting to tell one another we love them. Sometime just a smile or thank you goes along way.

Maybe if someone finds while sitting on the train a message on the seat next them that states, "Believe in your dreams and one day they shall become a reality," and "you don't know me, but I love you." That might help raise there self-esteem or maybe even something bigger.

This world is a lot of pressure and just simply telling someone, even if you do not know them, that they are loved can help lighten the load.

So please create a message and make copies of it give them to your friends and each of you leave it someone where for it to be found. Leave it in a tip jar at a local coffee shop, or a bathroom stall, or in a library book, or on a step, mirror, be creative!

So take a picture of where you posted your message of love and if you find one please post it on here and let us know how you felt when finding it and how you felt when you created one and left it for someone.

Let's give the gift of love!


email photos and stories to this address and they will be posted on the website.

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