Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dust off your dreams...

Its been awhile since I've written on here.

I will admit I stumbled and lost a little faith in my dreams and what I was striving for, and didn't feel I had the right or the courage to motivate others. But, sometimes when we are at our lowest points we can help bring others to their highest points.

We have to remember that by helping others receive their blessings we will in return be blessed. We may not see it right away and it even may take years, but when the time is right and God feels as though we are ready for what we have been praying for and asking to have come into our lives it will happen.

I was watching Tyler Perry's latest play Madea's big happy family, and Mr. Perry became a little sidetrack and off of script, but his words were truthful and needed to be said. He said, "We pray and ask for things and sometimes they do not come when we want them to or things will get in the way and seem as if this is what we asked for, but in reality its not. We have to go through the obstacles and the bad to finally get to what we really want."

Sometimes we ask for our dreams to come true and we get everything but what we were asking for. Hold on just a little longer. You can't always get to point A from Point B without some form of obstacles or traffic jams. Life is something we have to work hard for, so when we get what we have been praying for we can cherish it more and hold onto it longer and appreciate it.

Those goals and dreams you placed on the highest shelf so you didn't have to see them and be reminded that it didn't work out. Take it off the shelf and dust that dream off. You are never to old and should never give up on it. Keep your faith, believe in it and in yourself.

The path we want to happen and be created the way we see it, is not going to always happen. We sometimes have to take a detour, but eventually will get back on track with experiences to help us stay on track and know when we are drifting.

Be patient with yourself and with your dreams.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Here's Where I Stand

Many times in our life we put on different faces to please the people we love or want to love us. In the end when its just ourselves looking in the mirror, we stare at the image and try to see who is the real person behind those beautiful eyes, and many times the answer is, "I don't know", because we have taken so many forms so that people will like us.

But eventually we have to come to the realization that who we are is this person right here and now. Either you love me or you keep moving on in life. We only get one life, and why not live it for yourself. If the people who you call friends truly love you they will take you flaws in all.

I have many passions and one is music. If the lyrics speak to me you really win me over. This song spoke to me and made me realize that this is who I am take it or leave it. Some people left or I left them, because I was tired of pretending to be something I wasn't. Enjoy this song and reflect on it, and if you have time the movie is called "Camp".

Have a wonderful weekend and remember you are wonderful and truly blessed. Good things really do come to those who wait and keep positivity in their mind, heart, spirit and everyday life.

Love Always,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tell fear to go away

A quick message before heading to bed.

Never give up on you! You are your biggest fan! If someone doubts you and your dreams, let them doubt, but do not let that discourage you from continuing your dreams. So many people let others negativity and fear come in the way of their dreams, and they pack their dreams away and place them on a shelf and forget about it.

I've been a victim of that. We all have, and we need to end that today.

When you begin to believe in you and keep that positive energy going on around you, others will pick up on it and will start believing in you.

Never give up or put your dreams to the side, do not let fear live in your mind or heart. Everyone has a season to shine, you just have to be patient and wait for it and keep believing and have faith in its existence.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

I can't stop telling you how much I love you!

This week has been a sad one.

Several teens and young adults have committed suicide, because of being bullied or tormented. It truly breaks my heart. I guess I can to some extent relate to them. My high school years were the roughest and hardest. I was teased, tormented, made fun, hated. For no reason. I cried almost everyday, but I just kept praying that life would get better and it did.

I just wish there was more outlets for teens so they can have someone to talk to. A group where they can go and feel loved and cherished and know how beautiful and special they are. I remember when I was in High school there was sort of a group like that, that I was involved in and for 90 mins I felt like I belonged in that school.

I want to create a group for teens and young adults to feel they are loved and can express themselves. I want them to find another outlet maybe through music, writing, drawing instead of cutting and drinking and taking pills. I've known too many people who I love and loved dearly who found the latter part of my previous sentence as an outlet because they felt no one loved them and self-infliction was the only way they could feel something. I don't want that to be an outlet for others.

I am just praying to God, that he gives me an answer on how to start this program. I have others things I want to do and keep bouncing back and forth between my ideas, but I feel this needs to be done. We are losing love and gaining hate. We are so quick to judge someone because they are a little "quirky" or funny looking. We throw out hateful words quicker than we do words of love, kindness and reassurance.

I started this blog and post-it messages to let people see that someone does love them and we need to spread that word. LOVE its four letters but it packs a lot of force behind it.

So know this as you finish reading this blog. Whoever you are, wherever you are... I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, and I need you here in this life. Do not give up, do not let them win. You are never given more that you can endure. Through all the rain a rainbow eventually comes out of it, so endure the rain for the beauty that will come after it. Again I say, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU and want you to love your beautiful body you were give do not damage it with scars to feel some type of feeling, do not take your life because others do not like you, because there are more people out here in the world that LOVE You, some of us you haven't met yet. If anything take me with you in your heart along with God and know that you are loved beyond knowing.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Don't get discourage, continue to dream and love

So yesterday I posted several around Barnes and Nobles in North Wales, Pa and the Micheals near by it. My sister also helped out and did her part posting some around Montco community college.

A few people have sent in telling me they found them. I am glad I could make someone's day and in return that makes me happy.

I will admit last night I was a little discouraged because a few people were like oh that ideas been done before. Ok, yes someone else may have done it but why can't I. I am not doing the same exact thing far as the message I am trying to send. Maybe the delivery is similar, but please stop crushing other dreams to try to make a little difference in someone's day. Plus those ideas were sparked from others ideas.

I am just glad people are enjoying it and doing their share, that is all that matters. There should not be a copyright on love and how its should be displayed or distributed amongst people.

I am still going to do my part and you should too. Take out a sharpie and post-it and tell someone you love them!

(also make sure to put the website at the bottom of the post-it or whatever you use so people can share their story).

Spread notes of love all around today and everyday!





Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Placed 37 post-its around today!

So I placed about 37 post-its all around. Not bad for day one. Tomorrow I will post more. Here are some photos from the ones I got a chance to take photos of. Can't wait to post more around tomorrow. Don't forget you can join in too! I can't do this alone.


Day 1

So today is day one of the you are loved project. Before I fell asleep last night I created 15 posted to stick around. Today when i get home I am going to be creating more for day two.

This is a project I am putting all my love into and want to go strong with it for a year and many other years after that. They say the first year is the hardest, but long as I have God on my side I can do it!

So grab a pen, marker, post it, paper, tape and start spreading words of love. People do not realize this, but words have a powerful impact!

So lets tag the world with love!
Day 1_1

day 1_2

day 1_3

day 1_4

day 5_1


Monday, September 20, 2010

1 set of love messages



everything you do.jpg

cherish your yesterdays.jpg

What is you are loved

I've had this idea in my head for a LONG time now and finally had the courage to start my dreams and goals.

You are Loved is along the lines a random act of kindness creating messages on index cards, computer, post-its, envelops whatever you can find and leaving them for people to find. It can be a story, quote, personal message, to let someone know that out there in the world someone cares.

There is so much in society telling us if we do this people will like us more, or we change that we will be accepted more as beautiful. We are forgetting to tell one another we love them. Sometime just a smile or thank you goes along way.

Maybe if someone finds while sitting on the train a message on the seat next them that states, "Believe in your dreams and one day they shall become a reality," and "you don't know me, but I love you." That might help raise there self-esteem or maybe even something bigger.

This world is a lot of pressure and just simply telling someone, even if you do not know them, that they are loved can help lighten the load.

So please create a message and make copies of it give them to your friends and each of you leave it someone where for it to be found. Leave it in a tip jar at a local coffee shop, or a bathroom stall, or in a library book, or on a step, mirror, be creative!

So take a picture of where you posted your message of love and if you find one please post it on here and let us know how you felt when finding it and how you felt when you created one and left it for someone.

Let's give the gift of love!


email photos and stories to this address and they will be posted on the website.