Sunday, April 21, 2013

Those who have lost their way, will always find it again

It has been almost 2 years since I have used this blog. Or blogged in general.

I think it is because I became lost as a person. I gave up on myself and gave up on the faith that others had for me. I began to think Why should I live my life to the fullest potential, when it seems no one cares. I started to go through life as if it was a chore. Get up, go to work, do the minimal socializing I can and then repeat. I let friendships slip and just felt like they didn't need me in their life.

Then I WOKE UP! I realized I need to be present in my life. This is the only life I receive and it is a present from God. There are so many people who did not wake this morning or even make it through the day. I had to step back and ask myself what did I lose to make me feel this way, and the answer was right there and always there. I lost my FAITH.

As long as you have a mustard seed of faith you can go from there and grow, but my mustard seed of faith was gone. I thought to myself what did I do before to help myself spiritually grow, to stay positive, to attract like minded people in my direction. The answer, I nurtured myself as if I was a flower. Prayer was my water, Positive people was my sunlight and the continuation of learning to be spiritual (meditating) and release negativity was my soil.

That night I prayed and talked to God. Asked him to help me get back on my journey. To give me a stronger armour to make it through the days unscathed and help others be the best they can be. Within 24 hours it was such a big turn around. Friends who I thought I lost were still there, everyone I encountered as a retail pharmacy tech were such sweethearts (even the most nasty and difficult of people), the air around me was different.  My faith was back and stronger than ever.

I ask those who feel like they are down and out and feel like nothing is going right for them to write down what they want to see in their life. Then pray. It does not have to be the traditional prayer, but you can have a conversation with God. If you work better with writing, grab a cup of tea and sit down with you pen and paper or electrical device and write a letter to God. You will be so surprised what you discover. You allow all the things that were dormant in your life to come out and be at the forefront and have their voice heard.

My ultimate goal in life is to shed and keep off all the layers of negativity, help others see the potential that is within, and to let people know you can create your own happiness without spending any money.

So let's all regain our mustard seed of faith again.

I am putting in prayer and meditation that I continue this blog with my life journey and to give helpful advice and stories to others along this journey.


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